venerdì 21 gennaio 2011


D. writes:
   understand?! we are inside, as
RON ENGLISH said in a interview  (  /watch?v=pKc55e7bPeY )
   ".. I think that in future people will look at these years as a RENAISSANCE .. sometimes when you're
   in the middle of a movement things happen quickly, you do not realize what you're living ... " 

  Or as Galo said (Italian artist of Turin)
   "TODAY the guys who understand the importance of this art world and
try to be part, will make great  
   things .."

M. writes:
   fuck that's cool ..but you realize that?!

D. writes:
   I guess so, when we become grandfathers a thousand things we'll    

   have to tell .. we'll talk about seeing the  
  Queen Elizabeth of England with his face painted like a monkey     
  (by Banksy) ..

M writes:
   Absolutely ..

D. writes:

    Good night to you. 

- 21/1/11 midnight -

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